This timeline outlines the editorial process behind each volume of Emblematica. The purpose of this page is to give authors a sense of the work and responsibilities involved in this endeavor, and of our timeframe, so they can plan accordingly. The timeframe may vary, based on ongoing editorial commitments and on the needs of specific contributions.
This early stage falls under the responsibility of the author(s).
May vary
1. Text Preparation
To prepare your text for submission, please review the Emblematica Style Guide in the website’s Submissions section. Please make sure that you follow the style guidelines and that your paper is proofread.
May vary
2. Image Preparation
The preparation of images is a very important step for any item submitted to Emblematica: images must have high resolution (600dpi in relation to their actual dimension), use specific formats (.jpeg, .png or .tiff), and the author(s) must submit the written proof of permission to publish. Please refer to the Emblematica Style Guide in the website’s Submissions section for more instructions and suggestions.
May vary
3. Submission
To submit your contribution, please use the form in the Submissions section in the website. This system speed up the process and ensures that the editorial team has the correct, up-to-date version of your work.

The Editorial Board of Emblematica is responsible for this managing this stage of the process.
4 to 6 weeks
4. Blind Peer Reviewing
The editorial team edits your contribution to remove authorship identifiers. Next, the Editors, with the support of the Advisory Board, identify two Peer Reviewers who can read and assess your submission. Working ‘blindly’ (without knowing who are the author and the other reader), each Peer Reviewer reports on the submission and provide advice on their acceptance. Please refer to the Evaluator Guide in the Submissions section if you want to know more about this process.
1 week
5. Decision
Based on the two report from the peer reviewing process, and on the advice of the Associate Editors, the Editors in Chief make the final decision on whether a contribution should be published or not. The decision fall into the following categories:
A. Provisional acceptance subject to revision (and the contribution is sent to step 5, Editing);
B. Invitation to revise and resubmit (the revised version is then sent back to step 4, Peer Reviewers);
C. Rejection.
The Editors in Chief will communicate with the Author(s) by email, to explain the final decision and what are the next steps.
4-6 months
6. Editing
If the contribution is accepted with minor changes, the Editors in Chief designate a member of the Editorial Team that will edit the contribution in close collaboration with the Author(s). The Editor sends its notes and annotated manuscript to the Author(s).
4 weeks
7. Revision
The Author(s) revise their manuscript, considering the Editor’s notes and annotated manuscript. And send it back to the Editor. If the Editor is satisfied with the manuscript, it is sent to step 8, Layout; if not, the Editor can return to step 6, Editing.
After this process is finished, the Editors in Chief define in which volume the manuscript will be published (depending on schedule, order of submission, size of the volume, subject, etc.).
1 month
8. Layout
The Editorial Assistant copyread and format the manuscript, and double-checks the permission to publish the images. Then, the Editorial Assistant sends the formatted manuscript to the Editors, who sends them the Author(s) for final review. When this process is complete, the entire volume is sent to Droz.

1 month
9. Proof Copy
Upon receiving the entire volume, revised and formatted, Droz produces the Proof Copy. The Editors check the copy and contacts the Authors if necessary.
May vary
10. Printing
Droz prints the volume, but the time schedule may vary. The Editors in Chief will inform the Author(s) when their contribution is in Print.

May vary
11. Distribution
Droz is located in Geneva, Switzerland, but its publications are distributed around the globe.
Authors will receive one copy of the volume, free of charge.
12. Copyright Policy
All finished work will be copyright © Emblematica and Droz. Authors who wish to request permission to re-use material published in
Emblematica should write to the Editors in Chief, giving details of the further publication desired.