
Details on how to subscribe to Emblematica will be made available soon.

Recommend Emblematica to your library

To recommend the purchase of Emblematica to your library, you can fill the form bellow. An automatic message⁠—signed by the Editors in Chief⁠—will be sent on your behalf to your library contact, with a copy to you. Thank you for your support!

For your convenience, here is a draft of the automatic message that will be sent by Emblematica to your librarian, with a copy to your e-mail.

Dear colleague,

We are writing on behalf of {name-1-prefix} {name-1-first-name} {name-1-last-name} to recommend the purchase of the following volumes of Emblematica: Essays in Text and Image:


The volumes can be acquire directly from Droz, through this link

Emblematica is a well-established academic journal, published by Droz (Geneva, ISSN 2571-5070), that specializes in the relationship between literature and the visual arts, during the Early-Modern period. You can find more information about Emblematica at:

Please let us know if any further information is necessary.

Thank you very much.

With kind regards,

Pedro Germano Leal
Tamar Cholcman
Editors in Chief
Emblematica: Essays in Text and Image

On behalf of {name-1-prefix} {name-1-first-name} {name-1-last-name}.

* This message was generated through a form at: